
Part 1: Defining Correspondences Operator

First, I needed to align the two images I wanted to morph, and I did this by reusing given code from the previous project. Then I removed the backgrounds with a outside photo-editing tool. I then selected correspondence points between my face and the picture of Lebron I'm using. I did this using the student-made tool found here.

Then, I computed the point-wise mean of the two point sets, and then computed the Delaunay triangulation of the midway shape using scipy.spatial.Delaunay.

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Triangulation with Correspondence Points

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Triangulation with Correspondence Points

Part 2: Computing the "Mid-way Face"

Then, to find the affine matrix A, I essentially solved a system of equations using np.linalg.lstsq in my computeAffine(tri1, tri2) function. The a, b, c, d, e, f values were then used with a row of [0, 0, 1] to create the transformation matrix T with homogenous coordinates.

The inverse warp function was then created by generating a mask using polygon. I also used a RegularGridInterpolator in order to interpolate color from neighbors in the case of a pixel coming from "between pixels."

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Part 3: The Morph Sequence

The morph is similar, except my mean points is recomputed at each step of iteration using the warp_fraction weight to adjust the shape transformation, and the dissolve_fraction to control the values blending.

I iterated over 0-1 at 45 even steps in order to create the gif transition frames, and create the gif. The transition can be seen below:

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Part 4: The "Mean face" of a population

I computed the average face of the Danes, which was a bit tricky because I needed to create a special parser in order to identify the correspondence points of each face. With this info, I averaged the position of all of the correspondence points for each image and then morphed each face into the average face points. I then computed the mean of all of these faces to compute the "average" face.

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Example Face 1

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Example Face 2

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Average Face

Here are some examples of people in the dataset with their face morphed to the average shape.

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Morph 1

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Morph 2

Low Quality Image 3

Morph 3

I also have examples of my face being morphed into the average face shape, and the average face being morphed into my face shape.

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Richard to Average Dane Shape

High Quality Image 2

Average Dane to Richard Shape

Part 5. Caricatures: Extrapolating from the mean

I extrapolated from the Danish population mean in order to create a caricature of my face, and tried it with alphas 1 and -0.7.

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Caricature alpha = -0.7

High Quality Image 2

Caricature alpha = 1

Bells & Whistles

For my bells & whistles, I focused on changing my ethnicity to the average Dane similar to the previous part, but with more adjustments including shape, appearance, and both.

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Changing Only Appearance

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Changing Only Shape

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Changing Both